Let's take a look at the last posted date...
January 11th?
Holy ass cakes.
We're way OVER halfway through the year, and way too many things have happened. But now, now I suddenly find myself having a situation where I can write this shiet down.
Hmmm, lemme think...
I gotta job.
Sucked at the job.
Changed positions at the job.
Liked my position.
Hated my position.
Parents returned.
Realized I have to stay in my position if i'm going to move UP in position in the future. :)
So that's the jist of it.
Next month, i'm on my way to beautiful Kauai... with my lady love.
We have no money, but we do have a tropical island.
I've lost about 13 lbs and i'm NOT taking emotion-mauling medications.
Jarold's long gone.
Anthony's stuck in his digital world.
Steve's building a dream.
Christine's found her niche.
Diederick is married.
John is hopeful, but in Bahrain
Bill will SOON be married, but I haven't RSVP'ed.
Sunshine and Zikarra are new.
Tom Curtis has come and gone.
Irina is manless.
Myra is uncitizenship less (soon)
Mel is back in his tiny room.
Yup. Mel is back in his teency tiny little room.
But he's got a mean ass Laptop.
He's got a 60th level Rogue.
He's got a nifty glass desk.
He's got an overpriced bed, in a cramped space...
A fan on HIGH, but he's still sweating.
He's hoping that even though life is hard, he'll still qualify for a home loan.
He's hoping that someone moves in by next January.
He's hoping that some people make it WAY past 100.
He's wondering how to get ALL the Cobalt's together.
He's making money, but realizing it's not enough... and in this sense may never be.
He's watched every major movie, and shed a tear for the one with Donkey Sex.
He's seen the man of steel, twice, and once in 3D.
He's not scared of the future...
He is not looking for higher education right now.
He doesn't particularly care.
He's calling 11:43pm 'late'.
He's calling a plumber.
He's calling a brother in law.
He was calling it quits, and thought otherwise.
He's not afraid to be Boy Boy.
And he's thinking he might have Pretty Horses.
Mood: sleepish.
Food: Malt o meal/Chick Sand/Grits/
Exercise: 20 minutes hard jog
Condition: Dr. Peppered up.