Why'd he have to go and make Daylight Savings time way the hell down in November...
Okay, so before it was like October 29th, and now it's November 2nd. So I guess it's not a HUGE deal. But still.
Anyways, what am I doing, writing on this blog at 7:25am? I should leave for work and go buy a water... actually.
Maybe I will do that.
Oh yeah, what I was going to write was: I am planning to take a VBA class up in San Juan Capistrano. If all goes as planned, it will be a 2-day training course that would hopefully see my return as a novice Office Applications Developer.
I need to take the class SOONER than later, but next month is looking pretty hairy already what with Blizzcon coming down the pipe.
Anyway, I'll dwell more on this later.
It's about that time of the year when you get into your car, and it's all moisty on your windows + morning sunbeams = pure blindness. So I better go before that happens.
Yay it's Friday.
Mood: Swell.
Exercise: Coughing.
Condition: Spiffy.