Sunday, October 19, 2008

Birthday Breakdown

Turned 28.  
Had Lunch.

Overall, enjoyed thoroughly. 

This officially kicks off the 'Awesome String of Holidays'.

These include but are not limited to:


Somewhere in the middle we have...

  • Visual Basic for Applications Class coming up this Sunday/Mon/Tues
  • The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election (Nov 11th)
  • Wrath of the Lich King (Nov 13th)
  • The Return of the Parents from the Philippines (Nov 20th)
  • Ate's magnificent 40th Extravaganza (Dec somethingth) 

as well as a myriad of other Birthdays and what not.  

Let's hope the recession doesn't make this suck.

Mood: Shmumpy
Food: Spaghetti
Exercise: Rockband... 2?
Condition: Itchy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Patch

So. The week after Blizzcon. The new patch is out. This is essentially the "Wrath of the Lich King" game, save for the actual Wrath of a Lich King. Or the Wrath of any Lich type character. Basically, it's everything save for Northrend, being able to get to 80, Death Knights, and 15 points of Inscription.

Everyone else seems to be having a happy go lucky time getting in.

Not me.

Currently, I'm sitting at the public library, using their INTARWEB to download the remaining 2% percent of the patch, that I thought I already had. I guess not huh?

Last night, I tried the patch on my Desktop.

No good.

Now, I'm trying on my trusty laptop, and although there is SOME semblance of progress... who the heck knows.

Anyway, when I tried last night, I got this horrific error saying I had to install WOW from the start. Yeah right. I don't know how long it takes exactly to do a full install with all the current patches, but it wouldn't be short. So I was recommended to find out if I can get it updated on my laptop. If that worked, I would simply... copy the game right on top of my folder on my desktop. See? Easy cakes.

So now I'm chilling here, waiting for my monthly San Diego Access Usergroup meeting to happen, staring at 34% of the last 2% to finish downloading, so I can see if I came up with anything decent.

If this works, I'll be pleased.

*UPDATE* It did not work. I'll have to go home and try it later. DAMMIT.

So yeah, Blizzcon was a blast and a half. Long story short, it was a 3 day bacchanalia of game nerdiness. You got to play, "Pick Your Line", and then got to talk with any and everyone who had any and everything to say about WOW. It was unique.

I've had all the swag in the back of the car for a few days, cause I'm waiting to show it to my brother, who is so busy.


He's soooo busy getting crushed under this market, that he doesn't have an hour in the evening to let me swing over and show him all my crap.

Update: He has an hour this Thursday (Oct 16th) evening. So that's nice of him.

I've got Frostmourne hanging at my desk, and the Paladin Bubble sitting amongst the charity water. But as we come down to Halloween, something tells me I'm suppose to ramp up my office.

Oh, in other news. During Blizzcon, we (Lisa and I) attended the panel for the Web Hit Series 'The Guild". LINK HERE

The show is basically a web sitcom that peeks into the twisted world of MMORPG'ing (Multi-Massive Online Role Playing Game) They're 5 minutes a pop, and they make me chuckle.

What I gleaned from attending this is many-fold. I learned that I really really really miss directing and shooting film. I learned that if ever there was a time to participate in independent movie making, this is the golden age. With internet speeds abound, Youtube, inexpensive Camera's and Editing Equipment, the fact that I haven't done it yet when I remember being at the forefront in my High School years, makes me flabbergasted.

My brother said I should take up sailing.

Bro, THIS is really what I should be sailing.

So, I've decided to THINK seriously about trying to put together a close knit group of people in San Diego to make up some type of 'Video Club'. We'll do skits and crap, and then edit them, and post them on a website, and have a stupid amount of fun.

Who cares about being popular.

Who cares about sponsorship.

I want to throw together fake movie trailers, commercials, skits, and what not, regardless of whether or not anyone else cares about it.

I'm gonna start small. I'm going to use my dinky digital cam, and get some editing software, and use my computer, and make a couple edited shorts.

If that works, I'll make a small website.

I'll start posting online.

From there, I'll start throwing together a group.

It doesn't have to start big, but dammit, it has to start somewhere.

Mood: Feisty
Food: Chocolate Pah
Exercise: Stairs?
Condition: Intrigued.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blizzcon Day -1-

Busy ass day.

The Con was supposed to start at 10am.
But the line was insanely weaved deep into the back parking lot, like some kind of retarded flesh and nerd colored snake.
People were busting out their Pally Bubble Hearth and knocking them around, only to hiss and boo violently at the one who would let it fall to the floor.

(There's supposed to be a picture of a bubble hearth here, but whatever.)

Anyways, we actually got in at 10:50am. Snagged a spot on the opening ceremonies, where Mike Morsomething (The CEO of Blizzard) awkwardly welcomed us.

After that, we got face painted... visited exhibitor booths...

Grabbed a bite to eat.

Then waited in the longest line in our lives.

The line to purchase exclusive items from Blizzard was eventually a 2 hour wait.
A wait to give them money.

(See updated Pics)

After that, it was on to the contests.

Jay Mohr valiantly returned to take on Blizzcon attendees.

/Personal Song

Long story short, it was fun as hell.

We retired the night by eating at the Downtown Disney Jazz Kitchen.

And now on to DAY -2-

Mood: Good
Food: Nothing Yet
Exercise: Walking/Standing
Condition: Sore

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Blizzcon Day -0-

Alright, here's the skinny.

Badge Pickup - 4pm

We show up around 3:30pm.

It was already busy as snot. Tons of people standing around.
We were queued in a long line... and then around 3:40pm, they let us into the registration area.
The room was large, and the registration setup was separate booths titled alphabetically.
We're not talking about A-C, and D-F, etc...

With a 18k capacity group, we're talking about AAA-ASZ, and ATA-BLD, etc...
That means those booths stretched way down, and there were layers of people already ready to go.

As far as demographics are concerned:
20% Ladies
80% Other

Of those 20% ladies, I'm guessing to bet that same amount (20%) of them, actually showed up here on their own accord. The rest were dragged here by a faction of the fellows who actually combed their hair.

The rest... the rest looked was exactly who I thought it looked like.

I won't delve further than to say, I was not surprised.

Moving on.

At 4:14pm, they started the badge distribution. Little did I know that meant the handing out of massive Swag Bags. This included the Con-Exclusive Polar Bear mount.

But that was just the beginning...

Go Here

We got ALL THAT in one bag.

It's madness.

Pure and simple madness.

That being said, we're ready for tomorrow.

Mood: Prepared
Exercise: Walking/Standing
Condition: Decent

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

:: Stone Group ::

Dear Kuya, 

I would really like to thank you for um... you know, introducing me to CRACK.


Our house is rife with Stars and Starlets looking to make a buck, to BUY THEIR OUTFIT.

Yes.  We're a Rock Band House now.  

Anyways, that story is its own thing.  We have it now, and now we can't stop playing.  

It's like somone put a gun to our head.

(Our band is called Mankitten.  Lisa is the drummer.  Steve is our vocalist.) 

Today I had lunch with Ate and Kuya to discuss Ate's 40th, and my Birthday Brunch.  I want to eat at Quero.  But they don't open until 11:30am, so that may not be feasible.  

Who knows.

Tomorrow, Lisa and I head up north to Blizzcon.

I will have to do a play by play.  

Alright, it's already too late to keep going.  

Mood: Zausted.
Food: L&L's
Exercise: Rock Band?
Condition: Spent