Friday, November 13, 2009


The new movie "2012" is coming out this week (I guess), and Kurt Loder from tossed in his two cents. Regardless, I have no interest in watching this movie. I really have no inclination to watch the planet die (Or any end of days type movie). Besides, I heard California slid into the ocean, so I will probably be floating in the Pacific on my bed.

Anyway, one thing on that review pissed me off.

Hal Emmerich or Roland, or whatever Emmerich's first name is, the director of 2012 let his creative destructive juices flow and (according to the review) took out the Jesus statue at Rio de Janeiro and the Pope's place and a Buddhist Temple, and other religious buildings... except ONE TYPE.

"You can [let] Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with an Arab symbol, you would have ... a fatwa. So I kind of left it out.")

SOOOOOOOOOO, people ONLY respect other people's religions for fear of being declared war against.

There is SOMETHING wrong with this.

From the perspective of the aggressor religion, they will be reaffirmed about the might of their belief's because of the 'subordinate' religions who will bow down to the demands of their religion.

The simple act of being able to poke satire (or creative supposition) being stifled simply because it will (most definitely) receive religious retribution really fucking sucks.

Nothing is real, and everything is permitted. But I guess THIS isn't.

And yes, for the record, I'd be scared of doing it too. I don't want to get 'warred' against either. And that really blows goat colons.

So really, if you wanted to make your own religion, and emphasize the I-CAN-HAZ-SRS-BILEEFZ, first appeal to the poor, and then give your followers the ability to declare war.


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Memoirs of a Jury Duty Person ~ (Final) Part 4


No, no that's not when it ended. That's just what time it is right now. After the post from Sushi Deli, things moved quickly. So quickly, that I was out and about and thinking nothing of it.

I returned to the courthouse around 2:30pm, and we all started to flood back in. The mood was noticeably lighter than when we had left. Before, people had dug out their dark memories of crime related incidents which really had no bearing to the subject of the current case, but was revealed nonetheless on the suggestion of the judge. I suppose there might be some kind of therapeutic sense to bringing in past experiences and reflect them against current events. Either way, everyone left feeling a bit stressed, and others had already shed a few tears as they unburied sadder times of their lives.

We would have started sooner but a handful of people hadn't shown up at the same time (Read as: Late). I really wouldn't fault them because as 'organized' as the Judicial System was, their method for how you enter and exit their buildings were cryptic and confusing. There are several opportunities to lose ones way in the maze of escalators and elevators.

After the judge scolded everyone for the error of the few, we continued with the jury selection. A handful who had clearly expressed their bias and disdain of the matter had already been removed, and I was under the impression that the 'Backup Jury Pool' would be tapped into for replacements.

I was wrong.

Apparently, the Primary Jury Box does not pull from the Secondary Box. It pulls STRAIGHT from the Secondary Backup Pool. (The one I was 'swimming' in.) So, imagine my shock as the person seated beside me was put RIGHT into the empty spot of the primary box, and I was now shuffled into the 'Secondary Pool'. I was now a little apprehensive. If I was selected, I would be giving up the next 2-3 business days.

With the new reshuffling, those who were 'new' to the Primary and Secondary Box were then asked to recall their questions and introduce themselves. Without saying anything about the case, I made it clear that I was "Extremely Unbiased, and would make an EXCELLENT impartial juror".

More people were removed from the primary, and suddenly, I was sitting in a Primary Jury Box Seat. Holy butt nodes.

Now it was time for the Prosecution and the Defense to toss people out.

Time: 3:50pm.

The State Defense attorney smiled, paused, and said : "The state counsel would like to thank, and dismiss Romel Autus."

I had no biases. I had stated no reason why I would not be impartial, and here I was, getting hoisted off the boat.

While a handful of jurors before me, kicked and screamed and bitched and moaned about how they were nervous about casting judgment or perhaps biased against those who would testify, I went the other route. And I got TOSSED.

I was dead seriously honest about my eagerness to be a juror and my amazingly unbiased decision making skills. However, I wasn't offended at their decision.

Fact of the matter: Neither the Defense nor the Prosecution wants a TRUE NEUTRAL juror. If there's a side to sway, it's easier to either play on a shortcoming or to force an indecisive juror into overcompensating. But to take someone who has no feelings about either side, and to fight to get them to your side, is much more work than someone who has their mind made up, or who seems to be able to have prejudices and can put them aside.

It makes sense. I believe the legal system would be more 'just' if it was composed of an army of completely unbiased and impartial jury of peers. But that doesn't help people who need jurors to sympathize with their side when substance is lacking. I wanted hard evidence, but perhaps the case was to be determined on eye-witnesses and testimony. Convincing a fact-driven juror to "sympathize" with a testimony is shooting oneself in the foot.

So yeah. I left. I was happy to be gone, but a little disappointed I couldn't participate in our nations machinations of justice.

I went downstairs, turned in my badge, and left for the day.

They'll find me again next year.

And I'll have the same answer for them.

memoirs of a jury duty person ~ pt.3

okay... it seems that every time i attend jury duty, i get one step closer to the main jury box. it's 1:28pm, and i'm sitting in sushi deli suprised at my ability to get a seat. anyway, i have been brought on as a backup-backup potential juror. obviously i can't talk about the case, but if they cut enough from the main jury pool, i fear i shall finally get the experience i have wished for.

be careful what you wish for.

btw, im flirting with death by having sushi deli when i have a limited time. (no sake bombs) :(

Memoirs of a jury duty person ~ pt. 2

so.... the time is 10:23am, and i have been called to a "department" to wait with a smaller group of people. this area has no tables, and the rules posted specifically demand silence so aside from my frantic cellphone typing, it's the sound of pages turning and the buzzing of music from ipod users who are slowly going deaf. a bailif has just come out to do roll call to make sure no one AWOLs. they call the names alphabetically. they passed my letter already. i wonder if ill have to talk to someone about it. then they get me finally. it's by my middle name. who knew it would be so much trouble? once roll call ends he tells us that they are just about ready to start selection. i can't freakin' wait. but the fact of the matter is: i have to wait. Everyone waits.

Memoirs of a Jury Duty Person ~ Part 1

So here I am. Sitting in the Jury lounge. I was summoned over a year ago, but my clever abilities at rescheduling has placed my third and final date... to today. July 8th, 2009. I arrived about 7:20am this morning and was lucky enough to find a table to setup my laptop. I learned from the last time I was here. You need a table if you want a laptop. What I didn't realize last time, was you also need Internet access. Now I do.

So I'm ready.

It feels like the same ol' jury duty. The only difference this year is a little informative video that attempts to elicit a feeling of pride and civic duty.

The only thing I could think of is perhaps twittering the entire event, as it happened. Then I realized that my twitter account is directly tied into my Facebook status update. I personally don't want to let everyone on Facebook know EVERY SECOND of EVERY MOMENT I want to tweet something like:

"9:30am - Still not selected"

So I figured, I'll just blog it. Hopefully that won't bug nobody and I can document this MOMENT IN HISTORY.

First post:

Time: 8:55am
Status: Not Selected.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Mel's Movie Reviews

Good morning all.

I would like to cover some of the movies that have come out for the 2009 summer season.

Instead of being a retard, like movie reviewers who basically tell you the entire movie, I'll try not to spoil it for you. If you're the type who likes to watch clips, and read endings, then you're screwed anyways:

X-Men Origins : Wolverine
My Rating: C+
My Tag Line: "If you're only about Logan, it's a great movie. If you like anyone else, it's a C+"
Nice action film. Standard special effects. Moderate fight scenes. Butchers characters that aren't Wolverine or Sabretooth. Has minor shout outs to X-Men series. Disappointing for a Marvel Studios release, but hey, not everyone can make Iron Man on every attempt.

JJ Abrams - Star Trek
My Rating: A+
My Tag Line: "If you like Star Trek, you will love this movie. If you love Star Trek, you won't be TOO offended. If you don't like Star Trek, you might still like this movie, a lot."
Fantastic movie. Invigorating from start to end. A Shatless work of art. Every cast member shines. Special effects are sharp and dynamic. Tons of easter eggs to other ST films. The series is reborn in an Abrams spectacle.

Angels & Demons
My Rating: B-
My Tag Line: "Way more exciting than the audiobook. Darker than DaVinci Code. A solid time waster."
Ron Howard is not a bad director. A&D's a fun and dark romp through the Vatican. Dan Brown's book translates well, and everyone's casted perfectly. Hanks is good enough. The movie is entertaining enough. As movies go, it's not a gourmet meal, but it's satiating.

Terminator: Salvation
My Rating: C+
My Tag Line: "Meh, it's not HORRIBLE."
Christian Bale's John Connor is the least interesting character in this movie. The special effects were par to Transformers, but the hideous audio effects made everything seem clunky. I suppose I was glad I saw it, but in all honesty, it wasn't that fun. A few interesting characters, and tons of explosions, gun shots, and loud sounds. What was it about T2 that made it magical? Revolutionary special effects, a terrifyingly unstoppable bad guy, and a great camraderie between the characters. What is it that makes T4 so boring? The lack of all of the above.

My Rating: A+
My Tag Line: "I laughed, I cried. Pixar won me again."
Don't watch clips. Don't wiki the movie. Walk into it, trying to understand why a grumpy old man would tie a million balloons to his house, while a chubby asian boyscout tags along. It was under this premise that 'UP' became a treasure for me. Pixar has gotten their movie making formula down to a deliciously consistent recipe. No it's not Wall-E, Cars, or Rattatouie (sp), but it's not supposed to be. It's 'Up', and should be enjoyed as 'Up'. It's a beautifully made movie. The colors are fantastic, and it's 3D Glasses concept does NOT beat you over the head. It gives you a much nicer window into the world without forcing random objects on you for the sake of it. And without spoiling anything, I love 'Dug'. I love him to death.

Since this summer is JUST beginning there's still a bajillion more movies to watch. I'll keep all you posted. You know, cause you're all reading it.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Oh dear god. Oh dear kind god. OUCH. LORD. Last night. I worked out with Jarold and did weights. My arms feel like they're being stabbed by Satan. It hurts. Oh god it hurts. I don't know what the muscle is called on the back of the upper arm, just above elbow, but it feels like I got shot on both of sides. I can't even bend my arms back. Like, if you saw someone dancing to 'Stop, In the Name of Love', you know how they put their hands, palms out, as if they're telling someone to stop. Yeah, I can't do that. I can't even do that. I woke up this morning because I was in stupid stupid pain. No bed adjustments can make you feel better. I couldn't even put on a shirt. That was remarkably impossible. Scratching my nose? Adjusting my glasses? Brushing my teeth? These things I take for granted. Now i'm at work, in miserable pain, wondering how 'working out' makes you feel better. Cause right now, working out feels like HELL. BURNING PAINFUL HELL.
