Once again, Blogger has managed to make a fool of me. Alright. So my strength is born anew. It appears that I can blog and send stuff as many times as I want without fear of diminishing the previous posts.
See, it's learning experiences like this that make me thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for everything he has given me.
For more information on the religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster... click HERE
Well, since all is well, I can actually go back to blogging like a nice boy.
I'm sick. I'm not sure what I have, but I feel down in the dumps. Under the weather. A lowly person on the scale of healthiness. I slept last night from 9:30pm until... god... 1pm today? I forget. I just know that I'm glad I don't have a job to call in to right now to say that I can't work. I just want to sit around and veg. (Which was my year, I suppose. A winner is me.) Anyway, I use two types of space heaters in my rooms. In the room that I sleep in, I use one of those water style heaters... (see fig. 1)
And in in my computer room, I use a satellite heater. (see fig.2)
The first type is notorious for setting things on fire. For this reason alone, when my father set up his bedroom, he created a solid non-flammable spot for this heater to rest. I thank him every night I sleep with that beast on.
As for the satellite heater... it's a little more annoying. You see, according to my beliefs, my particular satellite heater has a little 'bubble level' . When that bubble is like one THOUSANDTH of a degree off of solid ground, it makes the WORST buzzing noise you can imagine. Actually, TRY to imagine this... try to imagine the MOST annoying alarm noise that your alarm clock makes.
Annoying, isn't it?
Yeah, THIS is more annoying.
And at 6:30am THIS morning, the satellite heater, which I had left on accidentally, (Remember, i'm sick) suddenly decided to shift... a THOUSANDTH of a degree. This sucker is TWO rooms away and it woke me up. I apologize to my neighbors. I'm sure they hate me with increased fortitude. I promise NEVER to leave the satellite heater on before I sleep.
Cross my heart.
... That's what I fear. You BETTER keep me warm.
I hope that doesn't mean i'm going to sleep inside of your stomach. Because i'm 93% against that.
You totally know what that song is about.... SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
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