I'm pretty poor right now. I mean, as I type, i'm looking around my desk to see how much change I have. I probably have like 3-4 bucks in change. That should be enough to eat for a day.
But anyways...
I was chatting with Jay online for a short bit, and he explained to me how much COOLER Flickr is when you have a pro account.
For those of you who don't know, Flickr is a free photo-hosting site that's connected to Yahoo in some manner. It has a great system of uploading files, and organization, and compression, and display. Aside from kissing their anuses, it's just a great place to host pictures.
But if you don't have a Pro Account, you might as well post up your pictures on the floor of a public bathroom. The non-pro account limits your max uploads for the month at like 20 megs. And it caps out your max pictures at 200. With the 'pro' account, the max pictures become unlimited, and the 20 meg cap becomes a gig. A gig.
How much is the annual fee? 24 bucks.
So Jay was like..."
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:06:09 PM): oh, it's only like 15 bucks a year or something ridiculous like that ($24, actually.)
Me (12/1/2005 3:06:13 PM): ...
Me (12/1/2005 3:06:14 PM): I want.
Me (12/1/2005 3:06:22 PM): <- is wanting.
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:06:28 PM): should get
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:06:30 PM): haha
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:06:42 PM): because i hated how you're capped at 200 to show in your photostream
Me (12/1/2005 3:06:51 PM): i'm gonna go on myspace and request 50 cents from everyone on my friendslist.
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:06:51 PM): but it's way better than fotosuckage
Me (12/1/2005 3:06:57 PM): Then i'll have enough.
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:06:58 PM): haha..you should
Me (12/1/2005 3:07:08 PM): hahah I will.
Me (12/1/2005 3:07:09 PM): right now.
Me (12/1/2005 3:07:15 PM): i'm putting up a bulletin.
rdxiii (12/1/2005 3:07:48 PM): hahaha
Me (12/1/2005 3:13:28 PM): hahaha
So basically, I put up a bulletin displaying my blatant want of small change, for the sole purpose of getting a pro account at Flickr.
Here's a link to the bulletin...
(Update: RIGHT NOW)
I just went to Myspace to check out the bulletin that I put up.
This is the message I got:
We're taking the bulletins off line for about an hour right now to fix them. They'll be back soon. :-)December 1, 2005
FANTASTIC. Well, WHEN the bulletin shows up, i'll edit this post and put it up.
But I promised ANYONE who donated, that I would write up something about them in this blog.
So FIRST, lemme put up the picture of the FIRST donation:

That's right. The very person I recommended the idea to has the courage and pure honor to to kick start this epic fundraising project.
Lemme tell you a little something about Jarold Espiritu...
He's the kind that would take a bullet for you, as long as the bullet did not hurt him, nor penetrate his skin. Or in general, as long as he was not in the vicinity of danger.
He's the kind of noble spirit who would hold open doors for everyone female, and if you happen to be an 'inferior race', he'd totally cuss you out in the event of his complete inebriation.
He's that type of fellow that would be your martial arts body double, in the event that you have to fight a Miami Dolphin.
Bow your heads, and light a match. For tonight, we honor Jarold Espiritu, and his kind graciousness.
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