And I followed the directions as best I could from Myra... but she's not a woman who takes notice of things like measurement, so I wasn't sure what I was up against.
Here's the short and skinny:
I took 6 pieces of boneless pork ribeye, cubed them, took one whole garlic, pressed it, then manually meshed them together. I threw in a whole bottle of white vinegar and added soy sauce periodically, while setting up for a boil...
To my perspective, it looked... like it was drowning.
But I knew better. Too much liquid just meant to boil it down to a reduction.
The problem... was the soup. It tasted TOO vinegar-ry. After adding black pepper and oregano, it STILL tasted too much of vinegar... so my next task to keep adding soy sauce.
This SORTA worked... but even after all had cooked, and all was said and done... I still had a problem with it... here's what it looked like...
So, I don't know exactly what the problem could be. It looked right, the meat was tender, and the sauce had everything it was SUPPOSED to have... but there was just something about it. Anyway, Lisa's parents came over, and tasted it, and THEY liked it... but I just didn't quite... you know... feel I did a perfect job. I have a more exact recipe in my computer at home, and i'm now interested in trying again.
So i'm done with cooking... well, other than curry, but tonight Lisa wants to drag me to this gay bar called 'Touche's'. I know, I know. It's a gay bar. But you have to remember, this is SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota. All the 'clubs' here are redneck and backwater, and probably play nothing but country or top 40. At least the 'gay bar' will have decent music, and some kind of exitement in lieu of new years. (Okay, i'm just making excuses for myself to feel better.)
Alright, i'll report after New Years.
Everyone... have a safe and fun New Years.
Peace out 2005.
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