Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sky's the limit...

Okay, it's retardedly late.

I haven't posted in forever and a half...

But I have to say this...


Mostly because I want to earn enough money, (and spend it all) to get the American Express Centurion Black Card.

That website basically has an UNBELIEVABLE amount of information about it. An exclusive look into the prestigious website, plus the simple rules for getting "in".

  • 1. Have a Platinum Amex for OVER a year.
  • 2. Spend about 250k annually.

If you fulfill those requirements, you're good to go.

Anyways, I need to sleep. Peace.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

On the way back home.

Well... Technically I'm not actually flying because I can't have the phone on during the flight, but we're currently waiting at the gate on my incoming from sioux falls to minneapolis. Here's a pic I took on the plane during sunrise...


On the flight between minneapolis and san diego, I officially knee-d a toddler in the head. Sitting down, enjoying my music, I feel a child's face plant into my knee, and before I could react, he was floored.

Thankfully, he was alright. As of right now I have no idea what time it is... But my clock says "1:43pm". So in san diego it's probably 11:43am. Thus meaning i'll land in about an hour.

How's the flight so far? For the most part it's been pretty smooth, however we've been hitting some horrendous turbulence. We're talking earthquake type shaking. Oh well, we're passed it and hopefully we'll cruise in the rest of the way without incident .

Time: 1:55pm.
The captain just announced that we're passing over the grand canyon on the side of the plane that I'm not on. It's good to know that we've been alerted of the large earth butt crack. Back to sleep. 50 more minutes to go.


I'm home. Safely... happily. And now i've got a SHITLOAD to do. Till then!

~Return of the King~

Ya goddamn right.

My three weeks have come to an end, and as I stare at the clock, I know that in 10 minutes, Lisa's taking me to the Airport where i'm dumping my luggage.

We're going to eat breakfast at McDonalds.

Then i'm flying home to San Diego.

I'll be back by lunch.

I had a wonderful time here.

But it's time.

I must return.

Wish me a very safe voyage.

Let's roll.