Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day DEENUR

I blew the diet like an ex celebrity blows for coke.

My cousins came over today and passed down clothes that are 'too big' for him. So in his slimming process, I've been blessed with an extra wardrobe.

Hopefully I can pass off this wardrobe for narrower gear.

Time will tell.

Anyway, I told my current diet to suck it and die. There was no way I was going to stay under my calorie count with the amount of cookies/brownies/fried seafood that I ingested this evening.

SOO, I'm going to add these overflow calories into the rest of the week, spread 'em around, and hope to GOD this idea works.

On a side note, Summer Institute starts today, and what a good first day it was.

Two words:

Dr. Pepper Girls

Three words. I mean.

Mood: Full.
Food: Too much.
Exercise: Walking back and forth.
Condition: Mean.

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