Saturday, December 10, 2005

Four days to go.

Here's what I basically need to do:
  • Sunday - CLEAN, PACK.
  • Tuesday - PARTY AT BROTHERS.
Then i'm out on Wednesday... but with the recent headlines in the news... i'm a LITTLE nervous...

Nigerian Plane Crash <- Click Here.
Chicago Plane Skid <- Click Here.

I'm not scared of flying, and I consider myself a frequent traveller, but it's always stories like this that always shake me up a little. I know no one died in the plane at Chicago... but STILL, do I really need to deal with that kind of stress?

And i'm touching down in TWO Airports, first the Minneapolis Airport...

Here's the weather report for Wednesday at Minneapolis.

THEN i'm landing at the Sioux Falls Airport...

Here's THAT weather report.

Simply PUT, i'm touching down TWICE, into TWO Snow Storms. (And here I thought I was worried about the SUPREME COLD.)

Anyways, here's another UPSETTING revelation...

My backpack's missing.

Yeah. Yeah, my VERY IMPORTANT backpack.
I'm starting to think, that the backpack, and the jacket are somehow LINKED.
If I can locate the whereabouts of the backpack, I will uncover the location of the jacket.

*sigh* This is just NOT good.

Mood: Disturbed.
Food: 2140 Calories.
Exercise: Worrying.
Condition: Wondering...

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