Monday, December 19, 2005

Update on the battle...

Christmas came early for me.

On December 18th (Lisa's Birthday), I remembered that I had a dispute with Flickr and that I took it to Pay Pal to battle. If their lazy customer service wasn't going to tango with me... then i'd kick it up a notch by bringing in someone who had the capacity to take their monies. I also remember them saying that if my opponent doesn't say anything up until Dec 17th, I win by default, and they jack the money back.

So I checked paypal...

24.95 BACK SUCKA!!!

That's right. Sitting pretty in my paypal account is an additional 24.95, which means, they took it back from those fools who dare cross my digital path!!!


So I scored a victory on THAT front. Christmas will now be extended by 25 bucks.

In other news...

Two days ago... Lisa and I cut down own own tree for Christmas.


I'm from San Diego... (as ALL two of my readers know) and when it's time to get a tree... you go to Target, Ikea, Home Depot, or one of the many Christmas Tree Seasonal Spots to get a nice green'un for the holidays.

Not here.

Lisa insisted we go to a FARM, and look through LIVE trees, and once we found it... CUT THE BASTARD DOWN! It's like picking out the steak you want to eat, but first having to slaughter the cow.

So we arrive at this 'farm' about 15 minutes outside of the city. We're bundled up, like it's 5 degrees outside, and we pull up to the entrance gates, which appear to be chain-locked. There's a happy sign that says, "Want a Tree? Dial 5XX-XXXX and i'll be there in 5 minutes."

15 minutes later, a woman rolls down the dirt street to let us in. The first thing she says as we get out of the car to greet her will forever ring in my mind...

Woman: "You sure picked the COLDEST day to get a tree."

She wasn't kidding. Getting out of the car to go into a supermarket, restaurant or movie theatre is ONE thing... but just STANDING outside, looking at TREES, holding a saw and a plastic sled... it's something else.

And we persist on doing it for the next 20 minutes. The rule of thumb is... if it's marked... that's the price, cut it down. If it's not, it's assumed to be a kick ass expensive tree, and is worth 10 bucks a foot. Lisa and I came to a solid agreement...

Let us buy the UGLIEST, PATHETIC tree we could find.

Longer story shorter... we did... with her help. I was so cold that I had my scarf wrapped around my face, and the heat from my breath had fogged up my glasses, which created moisture on the top of my glasses, which then froze. OH YEAH.

I didn't even see the tree we chose to get. But I liked it... because it was 20 bucks. (And no, not TWO feet.)

After hacking it down, shoving it in the car, and bringing it home, I soon came to realize why it was so inexpensive... it's NEEDLES were made by the devil himself, and if you didn't handle the tree with gloves and a jacket, you'd get dozens of needle stings that bit sharply!!!!


But I digress. It's a lovely tree now, so lopsided it stands. When I get my pictures uploaded you'll be the FIRST to see them.

Alright, I need to mail out Christmas Cards dammit.

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